Both seem like good practice but if you waste water, or leave your car unlocks so bad guys can steal stuff, that's a bad idea.
Rye PD has reported "Our community along with surrounding jurisdictions is experiencing an increase in larcenies from motor vehicles. So far the suspects have only targeted unlocked vehicles. Please be sure to lock your vehicles, remove keys and keep all valuables out of sight. Most of the thefts have occurred overnight, please contact the police department immediately with any suspicious activity."
And on the water front, our water supplier Suez is reminding residents via a city communication that emergency out door water restrictions remain in effect. This means "(Rye) customers still cannot use irrigation systems due to a drought which impacted water supplied by Aquarion Water Company". Suez purchases water from Aquarion and their reservoirs located in Connecticut.
Thanks to TheWryRecord for checking on the actual water levels. Would've seemed to be something the City should have done and reported along with notification that the "emergency" is still in place. Also, would be nice to know what level of water means that there is no longer an emergency. Right now, it's whatever the water company says - and that can be variable. Nice control over the City if you can get it.
Posted by: | April 12, 2017 at 08:57 PM
As far as the water emergency there seems to be some relief on the way. A simple communication to Suez water yielded the following:
In September 2016 the levels were Greenwich system 33.3% & Stamford System 25.3% These are the two main reservoir systems that SUEZ receives water from.
As of 3/20/17 the current reservoir levels are Greenwich System 85.4% (normal this time of year 100% full), Stamford System 75.9% (normal this time of year 95% full).
According to Suez the outside watering restrictions (sprinklers) may soon be lifted.
Posted by: TheWryRecord | April 10, 2017 at 09:14 AM